I can't find the sprinkler main!

The main shut-off for your sprinkler system is typically located near the city water meter or the point where the water supply line enters your home. Here are a few steps you can follow to locate the main shut-off:

  1. Look for a valve near the water meter: The water meter is usually located near the front of your home, and is typically a small box with a round dial or digital display. Look for a valve or handle near the water meter that is used to control the flow of water to your home. This is likely the main shut-off for your sprinkler system.

  2. Check for a valve near the water supply line: If you don't see a valve near the water meter, check for a valve near the point where the water supply line enters your home. 

  3. Follow the water supply line: If you still can't find the main shut-off, you can try following the water supply line from your home to see if it leads to a valve. This may require you to crawl under the house or go into the crawl space.

If you're still having trouble locating the main shut-off, you may need to consult a professional for assistance.

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